If you want to order the chosen car, please click on the
„Check availability“ button and fill in the form with your details. After that you will receive an automatic e-mail with the details of your order. You will get an e-mail from us later with our detailed price offer. The order is valid only after confirmation of both parties. You can settle the reserved transfer by pro-forma invoice, payment card or by cash paid directly to the driver (if such a possibility is available). If you want to place an individual order, please click on the „Other“ button.
Trasa |
4 passengers |
8 passengers |
Do centrum Bratysławy | €35 | €50 |
Na lotnisko w Wiedniu | €75 | €100 |
Do centrum Wiednia | €100 | €120 |
Na lotnisko w Budapeszcie / centrum | €280 | €340 |
Na lotnisko w Pradze / centrum | €420 | €490 |
Trasa |
4 passengers |
8 passengers |
Na lotnisko w Bratysławie | €35 | €50 |
Na lotnisko w Wiedniu | €75 | €100 |
Do centrum Wiednia | €100 | €120 |
Na lotnisko w Budapeszcie / centrum | €280 | €340 |
Na lotnisko w Pradze / centrum | €420 | €490 |
Trasa |
4 passengers |
8 passengers |
Na lotnisko w Bratysławie | €75 | €100 |
Do centrum Bratysławy | €75 | €100 |
Trasa |
4 passengers |
8 passengers |
Na lotnisko w Bratysławie | €100 | €120 |
Do centrum Bratysławy | €100 | €120 |
Trasa |
4 passengers |
8 passengers |
Na lotnisko w Bratysławie | €280 | €340 |
Do centrum Bratysławy | €280 | €340 |
Trasa |
4 passengers |
8 passengers |
Na lotnisko w Bratysławie | €420 | €490 |
Do centrum Bratysławy | €420 | €490 |